Chinese New Year at Children 1st Day Nurseries - Children 1st Day Nurseries

Chinese New Year at Children 1st Day Nurseries

The children at several of our nurseries have been finding out about the Chinese New Year celebrations. As 2025 is the Year of the Snake, some children have been busy making snakes.

Our Sheffield nursery began their preparations for the big event with a visit to the Chinese community supermarket. On the way, the Early Years found a big Chinese snake painted in a window and loved looking at some fantastic decorations! They then popped to the supermarket and bought lots of traditional foods and decorations, before returning to nursery to start their decorations in readiness for the visit of the dancing dragon.

Our nurseries have been festooned with red and gold decorations and, of course, Chinese lanterns. Chinese writing and numerals have been looked at, and the children have had a go at using chopsticks both in their play and to eat their lunch. Mark making in red and yellow was a favourite activity! Some watched a dragon dance, made music  and went on to make their own colourful dragons.

No celebration would be complete without food and the children were keen to sample some Chinese dishes. Noodles, chicken, prawn crackers and spring rolls all made a tasty feast!

We wish all our families who are celebrating the Year of the Snake a very Happy New Year.

We hope you enjoy looking through the gallery showing a selection of photographs from Clowne, Leicester, Newark Town, Sheffield and St. Peter and St. Paul.

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