Blast Off at Children 1st Nurseries
At many of our nurseries 2025 got off to a flying start as the children began to explore the topic of ‘Space.’
Some children, inspired by the story ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy, made spaceships out of boxes, packed their lunches, put on their colander helmets and zoomed off for a space adventure to the moon.
Others were busy discovering the wonder of the solar system and using paint and models have created their own planets to make attractive displays in the nurseries.
With aliens to thread, rockets to count, songs to sing and books to share, it’s no wonder our ‘Space ‘topic has enjoyed a very successful launch.
More inter-galactic adventures await as the children brace themselves for further exciting space exploration!
We hope you enjoy looking at the images from Hathern, Newark, Meir Park, Main Street and Plumtree.